This publication meets the EPUB Accessibility requirements and it also meets the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG-AA). It is screen-reader friendly and is accessible to persons with disabilities. A Simple book with few images, which is defined with accessible structural markup. This book contains various accessibility features such as alternative text for images, table of contents, page-list, landmark, reading order and semantic structure.
- Back to School
- Season's Readings Kids
- Feelings and new experiences (picture books)
- En français (littérature jeunesse)
- Learning to Read!
- Let's explore families!
- Graphic Novels for Kids
- Black Voices
- Asian Voices
- Celebrating Pride: 2SLGBTQ+ Children's Books
- No wait, no problems
- What's new?
- Popular titles
- See all
- Audiobooks for the whole family!
- Audiobooks for Middle Years
- Audiobooks for Early Readers
- Audiobooks for Little Ones
- No wait, no problems
- What's new?
- Popular titles
- Check these out!
- See all